Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2009

Feedback von Sunrise

Im aktuellen Newsletter wurde die Spende an Sunrise erwähnt:

Family Re-Integration Program – Community Scholarship Program

Sunrise now sponsor 31 children from within the local community to attend school. These children generally have a single mother who does some form of manual labour work earning $30-50 per month, barely enough to pay the rent of a room and food. The program covers all the education costs and provides them with one meal at school per day.

This project has been kindly supported by Christian Theisen from Germany. In the few months leading up to Christian’s recent visit, he very creatively jumped on board Twitter, drumming up votes from friends and family to become Mr Twitter Germany (which he won!).

Christian generously pledged to match the number of votes he received with $, raising over $10,000 for these children. 

Well done and thank you Christian!

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